Monday, March 9, 2009

Fasting & Prayer needed for Finnie's eyes. . .

This is an email that I sent out recently and I thought I should include it here because a lot of you read Finnie's Blog more than your own email accounts! We are asking for more of your faith and prayers on Finnie's behalf. You can offer up as many prayers as you wish - we appreciate them all! Here is a link to explain CVI - what could be going on with her eyes.

Dear Everybody-
We are enlisting our prayer & faith warriors again! This coming Sunday - March 15th, we will be doing a special fast for Finnies eyes that they make a full recovery. We are asking anyone who is able, to help us with this fast. (Lots of prayers beginning now couldn't hurt either!) Please mark your calenders if you can help us. United prayers have worked for us in the past so why try another method??
As you know, she has a condition called CVI (Cortical Vision Impairment) and she sees in a random fashion. By not seeing well, she has no motivation to play with & explore toys, crawl towards things or even eat and play with foods. Her vision is holding up her other progress and we need it taken care of. There is no medical treatment for this condition so we need the Lord's healing power and your faith! It can be done - as we have seen before. And if it be His will that her eyes heal- they will. We believe that they will. I will also update this to the blog so you can pass it along to other family & friends. We really appreciate all of your prayers so far- they have given us a beautiful little angel!!


winspears said...

She is in our prayers always! Love you!

Unknown said...

Care, thank you so much for giving me the link to your blog. (Sorry we missed you when you came by!)

I read through every post between last night and today. Oh my gosh, to tell you the truth, I feel terrible - there was so much going on, and I was just across the street, and I was clueless. I should have been a better neighbor. I should have come over and made a better effort to get to know you all. I am sorry, truly sorry that I didn't. I will be following your blog, and keeping you all in my prayers.

With love,

About Me

I am a mom of two beautiful girls. Our family has been greatly blessed by the Lord. His message of love and hope needs to be shared and my girls are a testimony of His plan for all of us.